This is perhaps a very unusual bird to feature from Eagles Flying!!! One would have assumed that I would feature a bird of prey but this guy caught my attention in the petting barn. It along with some mates were in a large cage a the back of a barn use to provide children (and many adults too) the opportunity to get up close to some of the creatures rehabilitated at the sanctuary.
It was a challenge to get a good photo of the bird in a dark cage with small wire. I used my 100mm macro lens so I could have an open aperature of f2.8. I chose a shutter speed of 1/320 as it kept bobbing it's head and had an ISO of 2000. When I got home the sharpest photo had some of the head crest cropped off so I managed to take the reasonably focused eye/beak and merge it onto the image which wasn't abruptly cropped. Thankfully salvaging the shot.
I have been thinking of getting a pet cockatiel or conure so that may have swayed the choice of photo.
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