Watching the waterfall

This challenging photo was taken at Chester Zoo in the Tropical Realm.  Challenging because it was 
1) Indoors 
2) I wanted to slow motion of the waterfall 
3) I didn't have a tripod.  

I was using my 100-400 mm EF lens on my Canon R6 so an open aperture was f/5.6. I managed to get a sharp shot with a handheld shutter speed of 1/15 sec.  ISO was 250.  I was amazed to get the shot as usually animal movement would cause a 'soft' shot at such a slow shutter speed and also keeping the camera steady enough with the heavy lens can be a challenge.

Chester Zoo is my favorite zoo to visit and I particularly like the Tropical Realm which has an array of tropical birds (flying loose as you wander around) and frogs (in tanks).  

