
Marley Park is a 247 acre park which features the 18th century Marley House.  The park has sporting facilities, walled gardens, walking trails, a design centre for artists along with a miniture railway run by a bunch of enthusiasts.  

During a morning stoll in Marley Park, as I crossed over a bridge I caught sight of a heron.  I passed by  as the light was poor, but then decided to turn back.  Just as I headed back it's head dived underwater and then appear back with the trout in its beak.  Struggling with bad light I set the shutter to a slow 1/320 sec considering I was using a 100-400 EF lens with a 1.4 extender.  Auto iso was 10,000 with an open aperture of f8. The lens was zoomed to 560mm and the photo was cropped while processing.
